Character quirks can be little exercises in roleplaying that make things fun for the player. They can also have major game implications if the character is faced with a dilemma where two of their values come in conflict. Here are 101 player character quirks that can be used in many different types of settings. These quirks vary from small quirks (small effect on game play) to big quirks (potentially large effect on game play).
Here is the first half of 101 Player Character Quirks (1-50):
1. Will not ever drink alcohol.
2. Can’t leave a bar without having a drink.
3. Treats his weapon like the love of his life.
4. Treats his steed or animal companion better than people.
5. Will not ride an animal.
6. Always makes religious gestures when leaving a temple even though he is not religious.
7. Fear of small creatures (mice/frogs/squirrels/birds/etc.).
8. Always answers questions with questions.
9. Prefers to sleep outside over sleeping inside buildings.
10. Only eats raw meat not cooked meat.
11. Takes trophies from all of his kills.
12. B.A. Baracus Syndrome – Refuses to fly via any means (flying creature/flying spell/flying vehicle/etc.).
13. Occasionally speaks in another language that no one understands (since it doesn’t truly exist).
14. Walks barefoot everywhere, does not use footwear.
15. Wears an excessive amount of gaudy jewelry.
16. Only wears one specific color of clothing.
17. Devotes intense study to a mundane topic (bird feathers/density of various liquids/temperature of caves/etc.).
18. Requires being pampered whenever available (hot baths at inns/massages while in town/fancy meals in restaurants/etc.).
19. Obsessed with creating a written chronicle of his journeys.
20. Obsessed with creating songs about his journeys.
21. Always sings songs when traveling from one destination to another.
22. Doesn’t like children and is incredibly awkward when dealing with them.
23. Doesn’t like to enter holy buildings (churches/holy temples/religious monasteries/etc.).
24. A specific weather condition (rain/snow/wind/etc.) incites the character to fight.
25. Can’t sleep in total darkness, needs some kind of lighting.
26. Excessively tips everyone (waitresses/bartenders/musicians/etc.).
27. Adds tattoos to his body for every new place he visits.
28. Will only ride one specific type of animal (horse/donkey/elephant/etc.).
29. Constantly murmurs religious incantations.
30. Doesn’t ever carry money on his person.
31. Leaves emergency stashes of supplies in every major area he goes to.
32. Doesn’t trust people who don’t remember his name.
33. Believes vegetables (or some other type of food) are poisonous.
34. Carves a scar or tattoos himself when he commits a major sin against his deity.
35. His laughter always sounds incredibly devious and evil (regardless of alignment).
36. Fond of headbutting anyone he gets in an argument with.
37. Meticulously collects a certain type of item (daggers/gems/old coins/scrolls/etc.).
38. Unusually short (or tall) for his race.
39. Unnatural eye or hair color for his race.
40. Denies the existence of a force of nature (wind/earthquakes/floods/etc.) and always explains it away as something else.
41. Accent that seems to change on a consistent basis.
42. Believes he has animal empathy but in reality has no special powers with animals.
43. Prays for every corpse, friend or foe, that he comes across.
44. Must apologize to anything, person or animal, before he kills it.
45. Carries a mundane item (spoon/shoelace/broken key/etc.) in his pocket at the ready, “Just in case…”.
46. Strongly believes some famous dead individual (setting’s version of Elvis) is still alive.
47. When time allows, always paints his face with “the colors of war” prior to combat.
48. Has a very odd nickname (Potato/Fingernail/Bub/etc.).
49. Looks incredibly awkward when fighting (always shoots gangster style/swings a sword funny/throws grenades “like a girl”/etc.).
50. Always breaks out in a dance when he wins, whether it is an argument, a fight, or a game of cards.
Thank you to all the gamers at the Forums and Dungeons & Dragons Forums for helping me brainstorm for this article. You guys and gals gave fantastic advice that will help make me a better gamer!
Good!!!!!!!!!!! It is very useful to all..
Once again, great list Sam!
John Lewis recently posted…101 Player Character Background Hooks (51-101)
@ Kowsi & John – Thank you. It was a good exercise to do this. I think having a large list you can branch off certain ideas into others that fit your character better too.
The second half will be out next week.
Samuel Van Der Wall recently posted…101 Player Character Background Hooks (51-101)