Comments on: Alchemists’ Guide to Campaign Design: Prelude Crafting Roleplaying Gold ... Wed, 10 Feb 2016 02:27:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Lewis Wed, 04 Feb 2015 00:06:13 +0000 First off, thanks for the comment and your kind words.

I’ll start by saying that as far as your game goes if everyone at the table (including the GM) is having fun then things are going pretty well and you don’t really need to change it up. For me I like to tinker and analyse the game but I don’t mess with house rules and changes to the game. Instead I like to focus on the experience and pushing myself to deliver a better “product” each time I run a game.

It can be really difficult getting players to be more introspective and participate outside of your normal game time; we’re all really busy and have things to do after all. As a GM I started by just taking a little time after each session to make a couple of notes regarding what the players really liked or seem to prefer during the session. I also like to ask players for feedback. I don’t state it that way however, I just talk to the players casually, usually before everyone shows up. I also spend a lot of time listening. I’ve watched my players spend 30 minutes making plans about something without me even saying a word. When your players are engrossed in something and you’re not even talking, then they’re having a great time. Pay attention to what the players do and say and even they’re body language.

These are just a couple of intitial thoughts but each week as I continue this series I will be elaborating more and more. Hopefully by the end you’ll have some good ideas on how to proceed. I’ll also talk to Sam about us putting together an article specifically on engaging your players beyond the game and game-play analysis.
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By: George Elrod "Aeternal" Mon, 02 Feb 2015 22:07:14 +0000 I have got a few questions for you?

– How long did it take you, given that you mentioned 4 decades GM journey, for you to come to be able to answer some of the questions you posed in this article honesty and with full understanding? I’m not talking Zen, no reason to get all esoteric on this.

Personally, I have GM’d a number of times, under 50 throughout my life. I am 41 here and I started with D&D back in 5th of 4th grade. I sporadically played RPGs (in groupings of years, not consistently spread out) and now have a group of my old friends and 2 somewhat moderately “old” friends (based on time known) going through the 5th Ed. Starter Set for D&D. We play monthly mostly, and have met 5-6 times since July and we are all in those middle aged years, including parents and professionals, and sometimes both 😉

So, I have a hard time at the moment actually being able to put this advice to good use because, we all have a good time and it’s a lot of laughs, jokes, and some crazy kiddos in the background that have to be attended to. I don’t think at this point they want to ‘tell me how I am doing’ because when I ask, they say they liked it but don’t want to put any thought into their answers, and I don’t usually feel the need to push them.

I don’t think I have the experience or memory of how the session went to actually pick it apart and come to some conclusions. I think it is the monthly session times… if the frequency was sooner I might be able to have a better grasp. After a month away, working memory of the game session starts to fade and only some moments stick out, usually the ‘good times’ had by all… instead of the introspective thoughts along the way.

So… ever had this problem… or got any advice for me about how to be more introspective about my role in the game? Oh, and there is only one thing that annoys me about the group (even being good friends and all) they do NOT want to put in any work or interaction concerning the campaign OUT of GAME TIME. That bugs me a bit, sort of makes it feel kind of “unappreciated” or less involvement and excitement then I would wish they would have.

Sorry for the long prose but maybe you can or someone else can give some thoughts on what I am saying. Looks like I am going to have to startup a online game or two (I have the time for 2 games a week if I wanted too) to work on that frequency with increasing my experience in GM’ing. What do you think?

Thanks, Aeternal.

P.S. I like the site, keep it up, I discovered it just a few days ago.
