Comments on: The Combat Experience – Don’t Forget the Environment! Crafting Roleplaying Gold ... Thu, 03 Mar 2016 20:43:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Lewis Tue, 14 Apr 2015 00:18:54 +0000 There is no such thing as “just scenery” in our campaign….
John Lewis recently posted…Monte Cook Games: Doing it RightMy Profile

By: Samuel Van Der Wall Mon, 13 Apr 2015 23:32:40 +0000 John is very good at adding those extra elements into combat. My favorite element in recent memory was fighting in an underground temple. In the focal room of the temple, there was a semi-translucent dome above the room that a small natural lake had formed above.

We thought the visual of the dirt and silt on top of the dome with small rays of light shooting through the water and crystal above was a cool image. It provided a slight natural light to the room that really helped set the tone for that final action scene.

At least, we thought it was cool… till the dome started to crack in the middle of the combat. We still hadn’t reached the Cursed Tome we were there to get. And we were constantly being grappled by creatures in the temple. We barely grabbed the book and made it out of a side tunnel in time before the dome cracked and water completely flooded the temple!
Samuel Van Der Wall recently posted…Monte Cook Games: Doing it RightMy Profile

By: Morne Schaap Mon, 13 Apr 2015 19:35:31 +0000 Very cool article! I often forget how cool environmental factors can be. Thanks for the reminder! :)
